Teachers & Administrators

Educational programs are provided by local Tulsa mental health, educational, and advocacy agencies.

Bullying prevention and cyber-bullying workshops are available in Tulsa and surrounding communities for schools, youth serving organizations, and community groups. 

  • Contact Kurt Bennett, Youth Programs Manager at The Parent Child Center of Tulsa, at 918-699-0513 or 918-599-7999 (main) for more information on the following programs:
    • Our Anti-Bullying Collaboration meets monthly planning events, training, educational material, and advocacy activities throughout the year.
    • We have partnered with Teach Kindness, a PK-8 program, to teach and foster kindness in schools across Oklahoma.  We provide technical assistance to Oklahoma districts to implement this research-based program.
    • Safe Passage is another innovative partnership with Haruv-USA at OU-Tulsa.  Safe Passage is a full-day training for school officials who investigate reports of bullying.  This training is offered several times per year.  Call for dates in fall 2020.
    • Kids on the Block is a school-based puppet program serving 40,000 students per year in NE Oklahoma.  Subjects include bullying and child abuse prevention, conflict resolution, and more.

Tulsa Area Resources:

Oklahoma Statute

Resources from the Oklahoma State Department of Education

Additional Links & Resources