is a resource website provided by the Anti-Bullying Collaboration (ABC), a Collective Impact project of The Parent Child Center of Tulsa. The ABC is comprised of 25 cross-sector partners including education, mental-health, advocacy, parent groups, and more.
According to the National Association of School Psychologists, bullying is the most common form of violence in our society; between 15% and 30% of students are bullies or victims. According to the Oklahoma Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 21.3% of high-school student were bullied on school property in 2017 and 16.1% were electronically bullying via text or social-media.
The statistics are staggering. However when bullying finds its way into our schools and homes, the statistics are replaced by real children, our children. Issues surrounding bullying behaviors are truly complex and deserve the attention of adults and students of all ages. Our purpose is to provide Tulsa and surround communities with the necessary resources to help prevent and intervene in bullying situations for students at school or away from school.
For more information, contact Kurt Bennett, Youth Programs Manager at The Parent Child Center of Tulsa 918-699-0513 or 918-599-7999 (main).